Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week Three: Robotics + Art

Robots: Man’s attempt to make simple everyday tasks faster, easier and more efficient. It seems like every day there is a new gadget for anything imaginable but for decades now, scientist have been trying to make the ultimate robot. A robot capable of going into situations too dangerous for humans in efforts to save the lives of others. Movies like Big Hero Six shows a young boy, Hiro who is left with his brother’s creation after his sudden death. 

Baymax, the friendly balloon-like protagonist is a robot that assesses the health of a person and works to fix the person. This movie, set in a Japan-like country is just what Professor Machiko Kusahara discussed in her lecture comparing the purpose and goals scientist aim to achieve when creating robots in the west versus in Japan. As she explains, Japan’s focus is to create non-threatening robots to aid in natural disasters just like Baymax. 
Japanese Model of Robot Used in Medical Field
On the other hand, robots in the United States are more commercially found such as the newest pet robot. 
Pet Robot
The straying from the original purpose of robots is something Walter Benjamin argues is due to the constant creation and recreation of art. As he states, the recreation of art lowers how genuine and powerful a work of art can be. Likewise, if one can accept that robots are a new form of modern art, by making the parts more affordable and by tailoring to the wants rather than the needs of humans, robots are becoming more of a toy rather than a useful tool. In addition, Machiko argues that in the West robots are seen as something evil that can take over the world. In my opinion, Hollywood movies like The Terminator aid in planting these ideas. 
The Terminator Movie
In all, robots are works of art capable of changing the world if used correctly.

Works Cited
Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. London: Penguin,           2008. Print.
"CHiP the Lovable Robot Dog." Toysrus. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. <>.
Disneyanimation. "Disney's Big Hero 6 - Official US Trailer 2." YouTube. YouTube, 25 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. <>.
"Ibland är En Robot Att Föredra Framför En Människa." Äldrenytt. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. <>.
KingsYTP. "Terminator 1984 Theme (Full HD)." YouTube. YouTube, 05 Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Apr. 2017. <>.
Robotics MachikoKusahara 1. Dir. Vesna. Perf. Machiko Kusahara. YouTube, n.d. Web. <>.

Vesna,Victoria. “Lecture” Robotics + Art. 12 April. 2017. Lecture.


  1. HI! I loved reading your blog! Especially because of your explanation of Big Hero 6! It was very fun to read and I thought you were very clear with your explanation of the west verses Japan.

  2. Your discussion of the difference in how robots are seen in the West as compared to the East is really interesting. In the West the emergence of robotics has been met with much cynicism and a question of just when will robots become as smart as humans. In the East, however, the general mentality toward robotics is positive and people tend to think more about the benefits that this technology provides. Really great blog post! I loved your references to Big Hero 6 and Terminator as well.
